Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Anatomy of a Failed Relationship - Begin...

I'm a guy called Tim Moore. I live in Michigan and I have for most of my life.  I lived in North Carolina for one year and I almost lived in Taiwan for a year but that whole situation was fucked (more on this... eventually?).

Why am I writing and why are you reading? Over the past 10 years I was in a relationship with a girl named Cati.  And during this relationship I was completely miserable and I wanted to die. However, I stayed. And, I think, for good reason. 

More than any other reason, I'm writing this because she disappeared one day and that was the end of us. No explanations, no goodbyes, nothing and it left me in a state of disbelief. It's taken a full year to really get my thoughts straightened out.

Of course, relationships where one (or both) is miserable will end in failure unless something drastic changes.  This is an account of the destruction of that relationship and, consequently, a recalling of my wasted twenties.

Oh, and to answer the second question, I have no idea. That's for you to decide.

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